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This website is the property of and is operated by the company, Observia SAS with a capital of 1053 558 Euros, registered at the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés d'Orléans (Register of Commerce and Companies) under the number 451 475 651, and has its headquarters 7 rue Vieille levée, 45100 Orléans.
The company Observia SAS can be contacted through the following means :
- Phone: +33 (0)
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- E-mail :
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Director of publication
The director of publication and supervisor of the redaction of the website is Mr. Geoffrey Vergez
The Observia website is hosted by the company, Haisoft SARL, registered at the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés (Register of Commerce and Companies) of Sarreguemines under the number 431 303 775, and has its headquarters at 7, Place de la Gare 57200 Sarreguemines
This company can be contacted by the following contacts:
- Phone: +33 (0)
- Fax : +33 (0)
- E-mail :
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OBSERVIA SAS is responsible for the treatment of the personal data that the web user has agreed to communicate through Observia’s website.
Hosting and realisation
This website was created by Think Ad Communication and is hosted by Haisoft SARL, registered at Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés d'Orléans under the number 451 475 651. Headquarter adress : 7, rue Vieille levée, 45100 Orléans, France.
Those companies can be contacted by the folowing contacts:
- HaiSoft: +332 38 52 58 11 |
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Privacy policy
Please read this page for policy information.